Zhishan Hu Ph.D



Work Experience


Research Funds


  1. Wang, Y#., Zhishan Hu#, Y. Feng#, A. Wilson, and R. Chen. 2020. “Changes in Network Centrality of Psychopathology Symptoms between the COVID-19 Outbreak and after Peak.” Mol Psychiatry. (IF = 12.384, Q1)

  2. Wang, Y., Zhishan Hu, K. Peng, Y. Xin, Y. Yang, J. Drescher, and R. Chen. 2019. “Discrimination against LGBT Populations in China.” Lancet Public Health 4(9):e440–41. (IF = 16.292, Q1)

  3. Wang, Yuanyuan#, Zhihao Ma#, Amanda Wilson, Zhishan Hu, Xin Ying, Meng Han, Zaixu Cui, and Runsen Chen. 2021. “Psychopathological Symptom Network Structure in Transgender and Gender Queer Youth Reporting Parental Psychological Abuse: A Network Analysis.” BMC Medicine 19(1):215. (IF = 6.782, Q1)

  4. Hu, Zhishan#, Keng-Fong Lam#, Yu-Tao Xiang, and Zhen Yuan. 2019. “Causal Cortical Network for Arithmetic Problem-Solving Represents Brain’s Planning Rather than Reasoning.” Int J Biol Sci 15(6):1148–60. (IF = 4.858, Q1)

  5. Shi, L.#, Y. Wang#, H. Yu#, A. Wilson, S. Cook, Z. Duan, K. Peng, Zhishan Hu, J. Ou, S. Duan, Y. Yang, J. Ge, H. Wang, L. Chen, K. Zhao, and R. Chen. 2020. “The Relationship between Childhood Trauma and Internet Gaming Disorder among College Students: A Structural Equation Model.” J Behav Addict. (IF = 5.143, Q1)

  6. Hu, Zhishan#, Keng-Fong Lam#, and Zhen Yuan. 2019. “Effective Connectivity of the Fronto-Parietal Network during the Tangram Task in a Natural Environment.” Neuroscience 422:202–11. (IF = 3.056, Q2)

  7. Hu, Zhishan, Guangfang Liu, Qi Dong, and Haijing Niu. 2020. “Applications of Resting-State FNIRS in the Developing Brain: A Review From the Connectome Perspective.” Frontiers in Neuroscience 14. (IF = 3.707, Q2)

  8. Hu, Zhishan, Juan Zhang, Tania Alexandra Couto, Shiyang Xu, Ping Luan, and Zhen Yuan. 2018. “Optical Mapping of Brain Activation and Connectivity in Occipitotemporal Cortex during Chinese Character Recognition.” Brain Topography 31(6):1014–28. (IF = 2.759, Q2)

  9. Hu, Zhishan, Juan Zhang, Lingyan Zhang, Yu-Tao Xiang, and Zhen Yuan. 2019. “Linking Brain Activation to Topological Organization in the Frontal Lobe as a Synergistic Indicator to Characterize the Difference between Various Cognitive Processes of Executive Functions.” Neurophotonics 6(2):025008. (IF = 2.537, Q2)

  10. Lou, Feiling#, Jiejie Tao#, Ronghui Zhou, Shuangli Chen, Andan Qian, Chuang Yang, Xiangwu Zheng, Bicheng Chen, *Zhishan Hu,** and Meihao Wang*. 2021. “Altered Variability and Concordance of Dynamic Resting-State FMRI Indices in Patients With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.” Frontiers in Neuroscience 15:731596. . (IF = 3.707, Q2)

  11. Wang, Mengjing#, Zhishan Hu #, Lu Liu, Haimei Li, Qiujin Qian, and Haijing Niu. 2020. “Disrupted Functional Brain Connectivity Networks in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Evidence from Resting-State Functional near-Infrared Spectroscopy.” Neurophotonics 7(1):015012. (IF = 2.537, Q2)

  12. Wang, Y.#, Zhishan Hu #, K. Peng#, J. Rechdan, Y. Yang, L. Wu, Y. Xin, J. Lin, Z. Duan, X. Zhu, Y. Feng, S. Chen, J. Ou, and R. Chen. 2020. “Mapping out a Spectrum of the Chinese Public’s Discrimination toward the LGBT Community: Results from a National Survey.” BMC Public Health 20(1):669. (IF = 2.521, Q2)

  13. Wang, M. Y., F. M. Lu, Zhishan Hu, J. Zhang, and Z. Yuan. 2018. “Optical Mapping of Prefrontal Brain Connectivity and Activation during Emotion Anticipation.” Behav Brain Res 350(2010):122–28. (IF = 2.977, Q2)

  14. Heyman, G. D., G. Fu, D. Barner, Hu. Zhishan, L. Zhou, and K. Lee. 2016. “Children’s Evaluation of Public and Private Generosity and Its Relation to Behavior: Evidence from China.” J Exp Child Psychol 150:16–30. (IF = 2.301, Q2)

  15. Wang, Yuanyuan#, Amanda Wilson#, Runsen Chen#, Zhishan Hu, Ke Peng, and Shicun Xu. 2019. “Behind the Rainbow,‘Tongqi’ Wives of Men Who Have Sex With Men in China: A Systematic Review.” Frontiers in Psychology 10. (IF = 2.067, Q2)

  16. Wang, Yuanyuan, Amanda Wilson, Zhishan Hu, Li Lu, Wengao Li, Ke Peng, Lijuan Wu, Ying Xin, Jack Drescher, Jianjun Ou, and Runsen Chen. 2021. “Counselling and Psychotherapy Service Use in Chinese Sexual Minority Populations: A Nationwide Survey.” BMC Psychiatry 21(1):11. (IF = 2.704, Q2)

  17. Ni, L., Zhao, M., Hu, Zhishan., Yang, K., Zhao, X., Niu, H., & Lin, H. (2021). Neural Mechanism of Shentai Tea Polyphenols on Cognitive Improvements for Individuals with Subjective Cognitive Decline: A Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease, 82(3), 1137–1145.

  18. Bai, Z., K. N. K. Fong, J. Zhang, and Zhishan Hu. 2020. “Cortical Mapping of Mirror Visual Feedback Training for Unilateral Upper Extremity: A Functional near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study.” Brain Behav 10(1):e01489.

  19. Lin, Xiaohong, Victoria Lai Cheng Lei, Defeng Li, Zhishan Hu, Yutao Xiang, and Zhen Yuan. 2018. “Mapping the Small-World Properties of Brain Networks in Chinese to English Simultaneous Interpreting by Using Functional near-Infrared Spectroscopy.” Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 11(03).

  20. 任天虹, 胡志善, 孙红月, 刘扬, 李纾. 2015. “选择与坚持:跨期选择与延迟满足之比较.” 心理科学进展 23(2):303–15.